Cardano Island

January 1st

Social Time (UTC) Countdown Price Supply
12:00 am
Time (UTC) 12:00 am
Price TBD
Supply TBD

Located on Virtua Prime, Cardano Island is the Cardano community’s true home in the metaverse. Cardano Island forms part of Virtua, a gamified metaverse where you can play, interact with iconic brands, build, showcase your NFT collection, hang out with friends, and much more. The island will house Cardano HQ; the Academy Centra educational facility; and 9,999 plots of land where Cardano community members can live, play, and explore. Everything on Cardano Island has a metagame element, including special resources that you can mine from your land, NFTs with links to Web3 games, characters you can bring to life, and much more!

Mint Price: 200-2500

Supply: 12999