Cardano Kings Series 7

January 1st

Social Time (UTC) Countdown Price Supply
12:00 am
Time (UTC) 12:00 am
Price TBD
Supply TBD

Cardano Kings Series 7 is dropping on January 11th at 2 PM UTC. We will be releasing 100 Kings exclusively in our Discord server. Kings are 90 ADA each, 1 transaction max at a time.

Series 1-6 are 100% sold out, the entire project will consist of 1000 Kings (Series 7 will release Kings 601-700)

The Cardano Kings vault is scheduled to open on January 11th at 2:30 PM UTC for 10 minutes ONLY! During that time buyers can purchase Crowns for 20 ADA each (max single purchase 10 Crowns).

Crowns can be exchanged for NFTs including Spacebudz, Clay Nation, and CardanoBits

Mint Price: 90 ADA
Supply: 100