Freaky Snakes ClayCNFT

December 5th

Social Time (UTC) Countdown Price Supply
12:30 pm
TBD 4444
Time (UTC) 12:30 pm
Price TBD
Supply 4444

What are Freaky Snakes? NFTs made of polymer clay by hand and heart.

Our mission is to connect web2 with web3, promote Cardano as representatives of the crypto world who want to do good things via NFTs.

Goal of the project is to provide a lot of fun and a great utility to our community, combining this with the real help for animals in shelters. Team is transparent from the very beginning and is putting emphasis on organic growth only.

We don’t want to promise unbelievable things and then not keep our word, we want to proof our aims by delivering them.

Mint Price: TBD

Supply: 4444