Nigiri by Cardano Foodies Public Sale #1

January 1st

Social Time (UTC) Countdown Price Supply
12:00 am
Time (UTC) 12:00 am
Price TBD
Supply TBD

Evolvable NFTs, Evolving Community.

Full ecosystem description:
– Long term vision: full 2022 roadmap and more to come
– Hybrids: create your own NFTs by combining Originals
– NFT utility: access to specific roles, channels on Discord
– Community: we are building an engaging community on Discord, join now!

Nigiri description:
– First Original release: can be used to generate Hybrids
– 5000 Originals programmatically generated
– 50 Monsters, weird ones, hand drawn
– 5 Movie Stars, super weird, hand drawn
– Hybridization rules according to specific traits

Mint Price: 15 ADA