Ninth Honakee by Jordi Leitão

January 1st

Social Time (UTC) Countdown Price Supply
12:00 am
Time (UTC) 12:00 am
Price TBD
Supply TBD

A twist to “Fractionalized NFTs” that we all know. 27 Fractionalizations that tells a story. Auctions available on

In Fractionalized ART, instead of dividing 1 NFT into multiple fractions, the ART itself is divided in multiple 1:1 NFTs (each one being a fraction of the whole ART concept that was created).

– For example, the “Ninth Honakee” Collection:
The whole collection is composed of #27 Fractionalizations.
In this collection a story is told. A metamorphosis takes place.
By acquiring 1 Fractionalization of this collection, you will own a piece of that story.
This metamorphosis ultimately arrives at the final form with Honakee #09. The Ninth Honakee.

Mint Price: 300 ADA

Supply: 27