Sacred Sapiens

January 1st

Social Time (UTC) Countdown Price Supply
12:00 am
Time (UTC) 12:00 am
Price TBD
Supply TBD

Sacred Sapiens project aims to push the boundaries of what is possible for 3D art on a large NTF drop by continuing to evolve the art as they tell the story of the Sacred Sapiens and their journey that begins in Atacoa.

The supply of the Sacred Sapiens will never increase. To continue on the journey and evolve the art you will need to burn your S1 Sapiens to receive a Sacred Sapien evolved 2777 years in the future where they take on a new form.

Origin Pass Drop: 1PM UTC
WL drop: 5PM UTC
Public drop: 6PM UTC

Mint Price: 100 ADA (Origins Pass Holders 75 ADA)

Supply: Dynamic