
January 1st

Social Time (UTC) Countdown Price Supply
12:00 am
Time (UTC) 12:00 am
Price TBD
Supply TBD

Adagators is a collection of 3500 algorithmically generated unique NFTs, on Cardano Blockchain.

Other Benefits:
– 70% of royalties shares will be used to buy other Cardano NFTs, and airdrop them to the holders. Which floor is going to be swept will be decided through poll votes.
– Holding 3+ Adagators will give you WL and a 15% discount for the new species ” The Varnians “, check -story -roadmap Phase 2 & -the-varnians-teaser
– “City Map” Airdrop to Adagators

Our motto: “We are the good gators, we ain’t no National Geographic gators”

Mint Price: 35 ADA

Supply: 3500