March 9th

Social Time (UTC) Countdown Price Supply
6:00 pm
125₳ 5005
Time (UTC) 6:00 pm
Price 125₳
Supply 5005

GODAI is an anime-inspired collection of hand-drawn artwork, featuring a distinct style and unparalleled quality stored on the Cardano blockchain.

Our mission is not only to deliver the best quality art, but also a captivating story where everyone can embrace the ever evolving journey to become the Hero of their own story.
We plan to offer a variety of art-related services, such as custom artwork and digital prints. We are committed to providing the best quality product possible. We believe this is the foundation of a great community, and we strive to make sure that each and every member feels welcome, respected, and appreciated.

Mint Price: 125 ADA

Supply: 5005