
January 1st

Social Time (UTC) Countdown Price Supply
12:00 am
Time (UTC) 12:00 am
Price TBD
Supply TBD

A friendly collection of 3,500 PotHeads chillin’ on the Cardano Blockchain.

We are so excited to share this project with you guys. We’ve dedicated an ENORMOUS amount of our love, crafting a collection that perfectly represents our passion for art and counterculture.

PotHeads are uniquely HAND DRAWN…and you can tell. Each detail was meticulously handcrafted on paper first, then scanned into the computer to be colorized.

We set out to be different—because we are different. We do things our way—a special way. A way that includes, appreciates, loves, and admires everyone and their uniqueness. We aim to bring awesome people from all over the world together, to be buds and cherish our individuality.

Together, as a community, we will all get the unique opportunity to decide the future of PotHeads! Opportunities to participate are in PotHead Paradise, our Discord.

PotHeads are bringing GOOD MUSIC with our 24/7 PotHeads Radio—a curated collection of jams that make you feel.

In PotHead Paradise, we are all sitting around the campfire sharing real, honest, and meaningful conversation. This space will always be a safe and calming place to hangout. So kick up a chair next to the fire and join our conversation!

Find the PotHead that perfectly represents your love for life and art.

This is for us—this is for you—this is for everyone

Mint Price: 60 ADA

Supply: 3500