Wreck Deck Skate Club

January 6th

Social Time (UTC) Countdown Price Supply
4:00 pm
85₳ 1958
Time (UTC) 4:00 pm
Price 85₳
Supply 1958

– WRECK DECK SKATE CLUB is an upcoming project based on the Cardano blockchain.

– Everyone on ” WDSC ” are all in love with Art, Skateboarding, and NFTs. So we planned to create a collection of 1958 high-quality, detailed NFTs to gather people like ourselves, a great community with common interests. We focused so much on creating NFTs using 3D and 2D artworks done by our two great artists.
– Also there will be only 8 one of one (1:1) NFTs in this collection too!!!

– We will limit our collection to 1958 regarding the year the first skateboard was invented in Dana Point, California by Bill & Mark Richards.

– It would be great to know that there will be a limited number of our VIP Pass NFTs called Firewheel. If you’re looking to get one of those 30 Firewheels, you must keep in touch with us on our social media.

– We will have Exclusive Airdrops for some of our token holders after the sale (more details will post on our Discord soon).

– The team is also finalizing our designed specific discord mini-game which will be a mind-blowing experience and full of different prizes, surprises, and more if you’re a Discord master !!!

1958 NFTs | Just 30 VIP PASSES
Art Based | 2D+3D
Exclusice Airdrop

Let’s join our MAZE:

Mint Price: 85 ADA

Supply: 1958